Monday, May 19, 2008

Story behind "Furniture"

This song I just named Furniture because its a song written to a girl with the last name being Sofa and thought it was a clever way to allude to who it's for while keeping her identity under wraps. It's a more straight forward and romantic song than Joint chiefs of staff but like the latter was embarking on new territorty for me. the song doesn't repeat lyrics at all untill the end but the music is always repeating.... In the past I'd always relied on chourses and bridges to keep things interesting but here the lyrics entertain enough. I met up with this girl at the taste of chicago that I hadn't seen in years and I fell head over heels, the song really speaks for itself. one of my favorite parts is singing" blackbird singing in the dead of night..."which I've yet to find out how much if any will have to be paid to Paul McCartney for that line. Ashley (who 's the muse for this song) and I did get engaged (even with full knowledge of her medical predicimant )after her return from Japan( I whooed her one evening on the piano playing this song). It was short lived, her battle with cysctic fiybrosis came to a head and she passed away roughly a month and a half ago. She will be missed by friends and family alike.
Ashley this ones for you

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